Our Products and Services

We can cover your needs for noise control , environmental acoustics and venue hall acoustics.
Before you build or reconstruct, have your building architecture checked by us for its acoustical properties.
We can refine your sound systems to optimally exploit its capabilities.

Noise control.
Some local authorities prescribe the use of limiters in the sound system. We can install and adjust limiters using calibrated sound level meters.

 Sound Systems

We are exclusive dealer for DAP in this area.  We can install any size system to suit your needs.
Custom designs can be provided for as well.

 Lighting Sytems

To further enhance the musical experience we can deliver and install effects, ligths, trusses of the Showtec brand.

Design and Development 

Ibiza is now the basis of an integrated circuit design house. Specializing in low power ciruit design with an emphasis on implantable electronics and low power radio.  For further references see www.weijand.nl

 Marine Electronics

We can check your communication system with out Rohde & Schwartz communication test set.